As life unfolds unseen shadows accumulate—dark residues of self-doubt and depression that haunt our psyche, our soul, holding us back from believing that we could ever achieve true happiness and success. We all have a dark side, malevolent ingrained forces we hesitate to confront, afraid that by examining them we bring them to the forefront.
Shadows are created by unhappy events that we keep locked away—shadows of bereavement, shadows of despised love, shadows of broken dreams, shadows of the mistakes we made, and shadows of the bullies we have encountered and the deceit of untrue friends. These are the ghosts, the demons that haunt our very being into the present day.
Those shadows, subliminally without our awareness, arise like ghosts to infiltrate and denigrate our esteem and decision-making, causing financial pressures, rocky relationships, and mental or physical health problems. Without Shadows is quite unlike any other book of this genre.
Within it I ask you to embrace the powers of a process called ‘EyMiSo’. An acronym for Eyes-Mirror-Soul.
Based on two previous books this is a practical, powerful, almost immediate way to interact and instruct your subconscious to gain everything in life you want. Without Shadows commences with practical advice such as ridding habitually bad thoughts and destructive affirmations.
Then with detailed instructions we move on to the full EyMiSo process to eradicate the shadows of addictions such as smoking and overeating. In the following chapters we utilize, with EyMiSo, the full power of the mind/body connection to overcome illness, evaluate opportunities to generate wealth and master with grace and confidence social and romantic encounters.
Without Shadows is presented in a practical no-nonsense way, with humour, with seriousness, with compassion, with understanding. The EyMiSo journey works well within the ‘Laws of Attraction’ and N.
L. P.
As you become more attractive in every form, you attract more attractive people into your life. Embrace EyMiSo with an open mind and an elated attitude.
Because EyMiSo will empower and liberate. Become cleansed of the shadows of greyness, the demons.
Each session of the ‘EyMiSo journey’ takes around 30 minutes, designed to be relaxed, emanating joy and enlightenment. EyMiSo harnesses the powers that already reside within you, simply ask for what you want - it will be yours.
Practice daily, weekly, or once a month - as you like – your choice. Happiness is a choice, health, wealth and love are also choices.
Be brave enough to try EyMiSo, and make those choices, take those first steps to embrace a life without shadows—a life of abundance in all things. There is a supplementary section called ‘Book Two’.
Keep an open mind. Take a new look at cancer, aging, the spirit, and the meaning of fear.
You are invited to move away from the diktats of convention—away from the commercial interests of the big pharma, of unproven quotes, of myths and lies. Let's start that overdue journey of self-discovery, abundance, and healing today.
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