From the author of NARCISSISM RISING! THE FINAL WORLD EMPIRE comes with exploring the mysterious prophecies surrounding "World Government" and its connection to end-times events. Beware! This book is not for the timid or dismayed.
Our country is being radically transformed as the "old order" is being replaced by a totalitarian "new order," as described in the prophetic texts as the final world government, and in the end, ruled by a dictator that will make Adolph Hitler look like a choir boy. Consider how an organized plan is being implemented to enslave all of humanity with only two classes of people: The Hierarchy Elite and the Serfs.
No one will be exempt, no matter what race, profession, religion, or political party one is associated with; all will succumb in obedience under the "new order" or face harsh discipline, or worse. THE LEFT OF A COUNTRY AND WHAT'S LEFT Enlightens the reader on the radical strategies used by the far-left in education, corporations, medical banking, agriculture, media, entertainment, and more in establishing their "New World Utopia.
"A Marxist Agenda is what the "puppet masters" envision for their modern-day Tower of Babel to be complete by the year 2030, the "old America" must be dismantled and the "Great Reset," Build Back Better" must be initiated. Consider what matters most: Your core belief system, What you eat, Where you live, Your children's education, Who you worship, and where, Medical treatment you can and cannot have, Your bank account, Who your spouse will be, how many children you can or cannot have.
All will be controlled under their "One-World Utopia. " THE LEFT OF A COUNTRY AND WHAT'S LEFT claify to the reader what will resonate with living under an authoritarian Marxist regime.
Just as the old ancestors tried to complete the Tower of Babel, so it is with the "modern-day Tower of Babel" builders working to construct their new socialist agenda. Whether one is a student of the ancient prophetic texts or just learning, those episodes foretold of end-time are unfolding right before our eyes, and as many end-time events have already come to pass, be assured, those who hold to a "world view" are being dominated by the "spirit of the age" to usher in their "New Reset Utopia" by 2030.
It will occur because the ancient prophetic texts tell us a World Government ruled by a ruthless world leader known to many as the Anti-Christ of (Revelation 13) will be established. Buckle Up and be informed; gain the knowledge and information we all need to survive in a world that is growing darker as each day passes, as we approach the era spoken of by the prophets of old, pointing to a time when all people on earth will be enslaved under a global world system, RESET 2030.
THE LEFT OF A COUNTRY & WHAT'S LEFT highlights a once hidden agenda by Global Elites on their dismantling of Western nations, and now, in plain view; how the culture is divided and why, and how an organized plan was created to enslave humanity being carried out by far-left radicals. THE LEFT OF A COUNTRY & WHAT'S LEFT gives you "Truth" on matters needed in an Untruthful world.
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