When you hear of someone that has found aform of happiness, the reactions are typical. .
. Many people are jealous and act like assestoward you, trying to take the happiness away.
People think you are full of shit and faking it, orthey believe it's only temporary. Either way the term happiness, seems like a myth.
I'm a down to earth person. I admit when Istarted reading and learning about how toachieve real happiness, it was like learningmeditation.
Too complicated; too many words Ihad too look up in the dictionary and too manymethods to understand just to get through theintroduction. I would usually quit by chapter one.
But just like meditation I figured a way adumbass like me, when it comes to this shit,could understand and make it work for thetypical Joe, not just those who study for yearsand still haven't figured it out yet. You see youdon't have to understand meditation for it towork.
You just have to do it properly. The moreyou do it, the understanding comes later.
Happiness on the other hand takes work. Butwhen I explain to you why it takes work, youwill begin to see how society has conditioned usnot to be happy.
Because happy people don'tneed and buy as much. Let's begin with the feeling we are allprogrammed with since birth.
It's a need. Wereally don't know what the need is, so we feedit.
We feed it with money. But when we reachour goal, that feeling still lingers.
We think it'smore. .
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so we make more money. And yet weare still not satisfied.
So we feed ourselves with stuff. We buy, niceclothes, a nice house, the best car, the biggestTV, the fastest gaming systems.
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yet, we stillwant more! So we buy more things. We stuff ourold stuff in storage to collect dust to make roomfor more stuff.
And yet, we are not satisfied. What is this need that seems to go unfulfilled nomatter how we try to fill it?What is it we are searching for that we can't find?Believe it or not, it's happiness!Yes that simple little thing is all what want.
Ourminds, bodies and souls crave it. We get little glimpses into it as we grow up, butas adults the glimpses are more few and far between.
The secret to happiness is simple. Just be it.
Yeah I know what your thinking. Just be it?!Happiness is an emotion of many.
The emotionthat comes out in each circumstance depends onthe events that take place right? What if insteadof just reacting to everything, we took the timeto choose how we want to react?Yes choose. You see when someone pisses us off, wesubconsciously choose to be pissed off.
Why?Because we are conditioned to react that waysince childhood. We watched our grandparentsdo it, our parents, family and friends.
We takeno thought to react, we just react how thatperson or event made us feel. Now what if you were to be like the terminator,with the list of reactions to choose from in frontof you? What if you took the time to think abouthow you choose to feel, instead of react andbring out an unwanted reaction? The dynamicsof the entire event would change, as will the outcome.
It's as simple as taking ten seconds to thinkabout what will happen next. When you choose the emotion of happinessregardless of the situation you begin to realizethat you stay happy.
. YES! All the time.
It's achoice you make for "your" life. Choose to be happy.
Now you know the key; so go do it!I wish it was that simple. The good news is it can be achieved.
You will get as much out of the course as you put into it!. .