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The call of Victor Nyarko Amoah is the end-time manifestation of God's word to Jeremiah in Jeremiah Chapter 1:5. "Before I formed thee in the womb, I knew thee, and before thou comest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee and I ordained thee, a prophet unto the nations (KJV)". Victor, born on 23rd August 1944, was the eight (8th) of the nine children of Pastor Alex Amoah. His Godly background and divine gift were long discovered and exposed him to the wickedness of his school teachers who punished him without course. The commencement of the manifestation of God's power through him settled the family's worry about the ill-treatment meted out to him. Young Victor could not go beyond middle school in his academic pursuits but the hands of God were detected to his endeavours especially his unwavering bravery in his encounters with demonic forces; he could not relent in prayer unless the sick are healed and the possessed exorcized. He made a difference with the power of God by insisting that, it must manifest through no other medium than his word through faith, and this must be demonstrated by the believer. The healing power of His stripes in which many men of God have rejected is strongly upheld by Victor as enshrined in Isaiah:53 and the belief that God pronounced all creation into existence and so believers must receive everything from God through prayer, set him apart from many preachers of his time. The watershed of his encounter with the power of God came in November 1984. During three days of fasting with his pastor, they prayed with a purposed desire and ask God, "Show us the way on which to lead the flock to you in heaven". Jesus Christ revealed himself in an answer to this prayer in the manner in which he revealed Himself to John on the isle of Patmos in the Bible's book of revelation. From then on, Victor's spiritual eyes were opened to see and his ears opened to hear messages from Heaven. The Godhead and the heavenly kingdom were pleased to have heard from the clear conscience of believers, the desire to be directed to heaven by the power of God and heaven did just that. The mysteries as recorded proceeded from the power of the seven spirits of God. Revelation 1:4-5, revelation 5:6. The spiritual dispensation was supervised by the high priest Melchisedec in the presence of the Ancient of Days.Saint Paul, in the bible, indicated that he was carried to the third heaven, but Victor was carried to the Mount of congregation, to witness the council of the 24 Elders, the Lamb, and the Four Living Creatures. He was as well taken to the underworld by the Archangel Michael, to witness the war with demonic powers against true believers in Christ and he was a warrior in the war front. In one of the encounters, the Lord revealed to him that they were seven people whom He revealed Himself to in 1984 all over the world and that, 5 have been captured by demonic forces as a result of using God's power to seek wealth and fame. They have surrounded their churches to the Queen of heaven, the Chief priestess of the Universal chapel. The church which practices the will of God as revealed its name in heaven as the Church of the Faithful Lamb and is given a stern warning by God in chapter 28, paragraph 16 of volume one of the revelation books. The mysteries trace the path that leads the flock to heaven. As the books contain the record of what was spoken directly from heaven, the book of Archangel Michael however contains a mixture of mysteries and anecdotes of the prophet's personal encounter with the power of God. Read more about this authorRead less about this author
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