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Heike Thieme (Author)
About Heike ThiemeWarrior of Life -Don't mistake her gentleness for weakness or timeless grace for vulnerability. She has drawn broken arrows from her own heart and used their sharp edges to forge the path to a new dawn as she bled through her life's dreams. A warrior's strength is measured by the size of his heart. She is respectfully humble. She will stand with honor. She will fight with love. In the face of adversity and those she loves, she will be a voice and a shield. She will be a bacon to light the way home for the elderly. She will give way gently for the youth. She is a sister, mother, daughter, grandmother... She is a warrior.I have been an artistically active woman for twenty years.It is my pleasure to introduce you to my art!I started with colored dreams. I wanted to convey these images to the outside world and began to work with these inner images. Today you can capture them digitally and distribute them further using simple means and a good camera. That's what I call progress.I traveled in my younger years. All journeys come back in dreams. The arrival in a new home was also explained to me in pictures. It was never my aim to take possession of the world as such, because I was always internally and historically prepared for this before a trip. The traditions of the people abroad and their hospitality seemed interesting to me. In every little aspect of everyday life, smiling faces appear, images that you never forget.Do I consider freedom of expression in art to be a fundamental right of creators and why?Yes, of course, since every art depends on the phases of a person's life, on their maturity, and their way of being creative is individual, all artists should be encouraged, no matter what they try to portray in their art, this never promotes them to give up and remain creative. This should be a fundamental right of all people.Creativity is a form of communicating with the world, no matter how, because everyone is good at something. People who grew up speaking multiple languages and have mastered the art of words are very inspiring to me. I also admire people who are silent and rest in their midst because they have a great capacity for empathy. Every form of linguistic or creative art can trigger certain connotations in the viewer or reader that are inspiring for their progress.I love seeing how people with disabilities, with a little attention and care, find a way to achieve their own perception of happiness with just a little hint. There is also a path along musical paths. A line that makes it possible for this to become something different, because music gives hope and comfort. It is food for the soul.So I recently started offering a small book called “Drawings of Future Days!”Social Work – In this book I present my work in supporting disabled people from 2011-2014.Is piracy the way of necessity? with a lot of my life experience and philosophy in English. I also worked with Swedish artist friends on the upcoming book about the situation of children worldwide today.I offer the treasure of my free speech I - VToday I can also publish four volumes - Lifeline - of my first 10,000 quotes from the 7 years in Twitter.I present my thirteen novels.Parts one to six describe the conversation with New York in silence.I offer an autobiography, and about my cooking and baking.The book about childhood. I think these words. I see a streak of light in front of me. Upon closer inspection, it is shaped like a comet. The brightest end, the head, is childhood and adulthood.Four new books were published in my collection in 2021 - Wise books, most of them in English:The Crow-Winged Dog, a Book of Shadows - Knowing where pictures pile up, over the years, building a life, expressing yourself, reaching out, finding happiness. This book describes my path to healing from trauma, with success over forty years.The Book of Mirrors - to live a life for the living, pretend what you are better than imitating what can be and never will be. This book helps me get into the four elements of meditation, I look at today's society with clarity, the ways for me to find inner freedom, my own peace, and connection to my spiritual powers.The Book of Dreams - here I go a step further in describing how I imagine a better society according to my own dreams.The Book of Visions - and in the fourth volume I describe my approach to the art of dreaming in order to enter into myself and the world that has surrounded me from childhood until today and tried to interpret my vision.Three past Nine Moonshines - and in German - I give you my purple top - my life with men, for caring for each other in a society that is often inhumane for women!Lifestyle Havel Punk - Part One and Two - as poetry and punk - question of faith - partnership - question of marriage - music game -Invitation to affirm life, to accompany an addict to recognize life as the part in dignity, trust and its miraculousness - love returns! - Accompany my heart! - as English Rat - Company in the Moon!A volume of my most beautiful paintings, to encourage those who value nature - out of friendship.Merits Ultramarine Magnum - and in English, the novel - Your Voice from the Bottom of the Earth - a friend's philosophical journey through Morocco on a bicycle.Courage to dream - A mirror of my soul in an interview with Dietmar Bartoschick!My latest novel could be in a new, satirical style, with around twenty characters. In the book I now imagine fictional, slightly exaggerated actions of the characters, more extreme than real, less embellished and idealistic, deviating from the dreamed and exemplary, let them do crass things, simply to partly represent the subconscious, deep-seated meanness of people, and to describe, even if there could be idiots who are into it, or try to imitate stupid things, or attribute to their own gang the reason for all stupid actions, to show how truly reprobate people treat each other, and how seriously they are still not very traditional, religious or rooted these days are, but how territorial or masculine they are perverted with all people, disrespectful they are, and only see women as additional income that can be used sexually.I link my interview to all portals via my website www.heikethieme.deI have been publishing 90 books out of 100 for at least eight years now, 40 of which are translated into English, 10 are only for private use, even while I was raising my son alone. My repertoire refers to four large-format hardcover art books with parts of paintings and all my quotes, then in 2016 I started a blog at The3NinesArts, and in it I included my paintings exhibition, a philosophy series, in my five-volume treasure of free speech. My book about faith and your own ethics is called - Everything from a single source, plus an autobiography, professional experiences in working with people with disabilities, resulting in my 2022 interview with Dietmar Bartoschick - Courage to Dream - about the slowly developing relationship from which trust in love grows.So I discussed their fates in various communications with various people and ensured a better outlook for the future, accompanied them in this, and I was also interviewed myself. I have described paths or paths in books.The woman has a quiet confidence that screams loud. She is humble but strong. She is stable but rebellious. She gives, but not naively. She chooses her battles wisely. She will stay silent until it's time to fight... and when that time comes, she fights. There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't even jump over puddles for you.Women had higher social rules in everyday life than men. Today they act according to their own wishes, goals and purposes, they control the system that they created for children and the weak, they had high spiritual and religious goals, they knew that all the gods were part of a whole. According to a few scientific theorists who are slowly becoming outdated, men still want to claim omnipotence, claim the right to believe that people, regardless of their life problems, are imperfect and that such problems have to be analyzed mathematically. Only the contradiction must be found in the following example. Coffee is good for colds. If someone drank coffee during their cold and is now cured, this does not prove the causality of drinking coffee in relation to the cold - Grünbaum 1988, p.409.To all portals, I link my interview in The3NinesArts, website in German and English.My works can be viewed in the book shop or by looking at the book on Amazon. Most available as e-books. In the appendix I have only listed a small selection of my women's portraits in charcoal drawings in order to describe an approximate line of my drawings to you.I welcome you all!Your Heike ThiemeRead more about this authorRead less about this author
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