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Marc Shapiro (Author)
The award-winning creator and developer of more than 100 titles, Darren G. Davis is one of theleading lights of independent comic-book and graphic novel publishers. He has mastermindedseveral very successful comic book ventures including 10th Muse, Legend of Isis and InsaneJane. The latter is currently in production as a major television program.Davis, as the president of TidalWave Publishing (formerly BlueWater Productions), hasdeveloped several iconic titles over the past nearly 20 years including The 10th Muse for ImageComics. In that time, he has carved out a successful niche in the fiction world with successfulcollaborations with iconic genre heroes including William Shatner (Star Trek), Adam West(Batman), Vincent Price, Ray Harryhausen (Clash of the Titans/Jason and theArgonauts/Sinbad), William Nolan (Logan's Run), Roger Corman, and many others. Theseprojects including "Wrath of the Titans," "Logan's Run Last Day," "TekWar Chronicles" and"Vincent Price Presents" have, in their own right, become part of the canon of each property.As popular as his fiction books, Davis is singularly responsible for the resurgence of the nonfictioncomic book. With his partnership through libraries, school systems and other learningcenters, Davis has dramatically expanded readership with his collection of biographies. Thesebiographies, ranging from US Presidents and other political leaders to entertainment personalitiesto notable business leaders, helped redefine and reenergize a once-forgotten genre of comicbooks. His titles including Female Force, the national mainstream media has embraced PoliticalPower, Tribute and Orbit. Davis has appeared in many news features including CNN Fox News,The View, The Tonight Show, Vanity Fair, New York Times, and even, TMZ!Davis credits reading comic books as a youth as the chief reason he overcame diagnosed readingissues. In fact, Davis now continually promotes reading and creating comic books through aprogram provided free to schools. "Comic Book 101" has been personally presented at dozens ofschools. He has also been invited to speak at many conventions and conferences. This includesYale University and Mensa!Davis has enjoyed a long career in the entertainment industry. Starting as a sales person at E!Entertainment, he went on to work for DC Comics, Image, and Wizard before forming his ownproduction company. His very first independent creation, The Tenth Muse, became the 6thhighest grossing book of 2001. This is significant considering competition from well-known andwell- established titles. In 2015, Davis started StormFront Publishing in order to expand hisprofessional experience into other media including television, podcasts and other multi-mediaventures. Insane Jane is currently in production with Dollhouse alum Laurie Miracle attached tostar in the eponymous role. Davis' 10th Muse and Legend of Isis has also been optioned and indevelopment. Davis created Wrath of the Titans was produced by Warner 2012. Severalof Davis's other titles including Vincent Price Presents, Sinbad Rogue of Mars, RayHarryhausen's The Elementals and Logan's Run have been adapted as radio dramas broadcast byColonial Radio Theater over their SiriusXM channel.Davis even has had his own comic book as a question on Jeopardy!Read more about this authorRead less about this author
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