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Panorama da Matemática: Um breviário para estudantes e curiosos em geral

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Paper Back
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Book Details
Independently published (18 Mar. 2024)
0.18 KG
Publication Date
126 pages
15.24 x 0.74 x 22.86 cm
Author Name
Cacildo Marques (Author)
Cacildo Marques Biography Cacildo Marques-Souza, or simply Cacildo Marques, was born at the district of Flagstones River, place of Minas, Chapada Diamantina, having been registered in Utinga, State of Bahia, Brazil, as having been born on May 9, 1952. Preparation: He was alphabetized in 1958, in the only-teacher school of Flagstones River. He studied the elementary course in the School Group Clemente Mariani (1st and 2nd grades, 1960 and 1961) and in the School Group Priest Joao Ramos Marinho (3rd and 4th grades, 1962 and 1963), in Utinga. In 1964 he frequented the preparatory Course of Admission to the Junior School, in the School Group Priest Joao Ramos Marinho. From 1965 to 1968 he took the gymnasial course (current cycle from 6th to 9th grades) in the School Lord of Bonfim, in Utinga. The course of the high school was studied at the State School Goncalves Dias (1970-1972), in Sao Paulo SP. In 1973 he began the course of Baccalaureate in Statistics, in the Unicamp - Campinas SP, being expelled after one semester, because of artistic-politics activities, developed at the academical campus against the military government. In 1974 he entered the University of Sao Paulo (USP), in the course of Mathematics. As he had to work during the course to sustain him himself, he abandoned several disciplines of the curriculum, delaying it. In 1979 he entered the Baccalaureate in History, also of the USP, abandoning that course the following year. In 1981 he returned to the course of Mathematics, completing the degree in 1982. Between 1997 and 2001 he went back to the USP to study Baccalaureate in Administration. He studied the master's degree in Economics between 2007 and 2009, in the University of the State of Sao Paulo (Unesp), in Araraquara SP, having been approved in all of the subject matters and in the qualification exam. On the eve of the presentation of his final dissertation, his work, on Keynesian Economics, it was rejected by the advisor, because of incompatible divergences. Profession: Since 1975 he exercised in Sao Paulo the occupation of basic teaching, in Junior School and in the High School, having ministered classes of Drawing, History, Statistics, English, Physics and Mathematics, after having worked some time in bureaucratic service, as in bank, as assistant of library and others. He always won some money with his artistic activities, as books, disks and shows, but he insisted on maintaining his work in the teaching, for guaranteeing a fixed remuneration, although small. That conservative attitude with the finances came from the fact of having been mother's orphan when he was 14 years old and father's orphan when he was 17. Books: * "Rifts of Blue Fringe", poetry, by Publisher Scortecci (1982). * "Stories of the Future", stories in partnership with friends from IME-USP, by Editions Camatianas (1984). * "Eyes and Fonts of the Largest Latin Soil", poetry, by Publisher Lumine (1985). * "Brasilia, capital of the bonanza?", Economics, by Publisher Lumine (1988) * "Drawings in MSX", computation, by Publisher SCIPIONE (1989). * "The Sol of the flute", infanto-juvenile poetry, by Publisher Lumine (1992). * "Ten ways to abolish the inflation", rehearsal about Economics, by Publisher Lumine (1993). * "Stories of Friends", stories in partnership with friend teachers, by Publisher Scortecci (1994). * "How to build a world of only wealth", Behavior, by Publisher Lumine (1997) * "Mathematics for example", Mathematics for the High School, by Publisher Lumine (1997). * "Elegy to the destroyed teaching", poetry on the education system, by Publisher Episteme (2005). * "From the Pinewoods to the Amazon", poetry, by Publisher Episteme (2006). * "The Brussels Crisis", Economics, by Publisher Scortecci (2012). * "Ravenna Effect - the coup in Brazil was civil", Economics, by publisher Scortecci (2014). * "Jesus Christ - From his childhood", religious history, by publisher CreateSpace Amazon (2015). * "The Amazonian Fanfare - Searching for the land without evil", fiction, by publisher CreateSpace Amazon (2015). Journalism: * He creates the Soirée Magazine, in the Cefisma (Center of Studies in Physics and Mathematics), in 1976. * "Perspectives for the Music and the Arithmetic" and "The Computer science in the Education", articles in the Jornal D'Aqui, of the Granja Vianna, Cotia SP (1986). * He creates and rules the "Contest of Chronicles Otto Lara Resende - 93", of the Brazilian Union of Writers, with sponsorship of Publisher Scipione. The Contest is destined to students of the High School (1993). * He participates in the creation of Vila Sonia's Newspaper (1999) and he maintains the column about education. * He grants interview to Folha de S.Paulo, about education (published on Sunday, 2001-11-4). * He becomes editor of Vila Sonia's Newspaper (2002). * He changes the name of Vila Sonia's Newspaper to "Citizen Gazette" (2005) and writes the poetry column. Music: * Presentations in programs of TV Cultura, as guitarist and composer of MPB - Folk Brasilian Music (1973 to 1977). * Presentations in the Display of Universitarian Music (I and II) - History-USP (1974 and 1975). * Composition of the songs of the play "Galileo Galilei", by Bertolt Brecht, for Cefisma Group of Theater (1976). * With Edmar Luciano, Manuel de Souza, Antonio Carlos and Eliete Negreiros, he plays and sings in all of the schools of the USP-Butantan, in the called "Tundra Project" (1976). * Presentation in the 1st Metropolitan Show of Universitarian Music (TUCA SP), with Deo Lopes, Eliete Negreiros, Arrigo Barnabe and others (1977). * Presentation, on May 6, in the Cycle of Universitarian Music, in the Theater of CAOC - Medicine-USP. Yves De La Taille, Priscilla Ermel and others was in the Cycle (1978). * Presentation in the 2nd Free Sample of Guarulhos SP (1981). * Presentation of the "Poetry and Music at the Mathematics", with the piper doctor Paulo Haiek Araujo (1981). * Presentation of the "Poetry and Music at the Chemistry", also with doctor Paulo Haiek Araujo (1982). * Composition of the songs of the play "the Bakery", by Bertolt Brecht, for the Group of Theater of IPT (1982). * Registration in the Nascent Project, as masters degree student, in the category Theatrical Text, with subsequent participation in report of VEJA Sao Paulo (1991-03-27, p. 106).Read more about this authorRead less about this author
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Depois de aprender desde a educação básica, com suas equações polinomiais, suas fórmulas de volume, seus números imaginários e seus desvios-padrão, o que acontecerá com a continuidade dos estudos matemáticos? Anteriormente, os alunos aprendiam, antes de ingressar na universidade, as técnicas iniciais de limites, derivadas e integrais, o que lhes oferecia uma prévia do que seria aprendido na faculdade. Muita gente procura um livro sobre os diversos aspectos da Matemática, mas que seja um manual sucinto, que ao mesmo tempo dê uma visão geral sem deixar fora nada de relevante.

Este livro destina-se ao leitor que deseja saber o que os Matemáticos estudam em suas diversas áreas de atuação, sem ter de passar muitos dias lendo. Ao final de cada capítulo, uma seção de “revisão” apresenta, por meio de exercícios resolvidos e propostos, um pequeno resumo dos temas lidos.

A resolução destes exercícios não é obrigatória, mas recomenda-se, para ganhar confiança e domínio na leitura dos capítulos seguintes. Para o leitor que não é matemático, algumas passagens podem parecer complicadas, mas não devem ser motivo para parar de ler.

O que parece incompreensível em uma linha, algumas linhas depois pode ficar muito claro. Uma vez que a Matemática é a ciência mais simples, nenhuma barreira deve impedir qualquer pessoa que tente compreender os seus meandros através da leitura de um livro.

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