To have Actional Freedom is to be in a stable state by practicing to condition ourselves, in a physical state, as well as our mental visualization readiness, through separation of controlment. Freedom is when we have the self-discipline over our thoughts, actions, and behavior to not be imprisoned physically, or mentally.
To practice regulating our emotions by preparation, prevention, protection, to improve ourselves becoming free over thoughts that lead to reactions, which we will have freedom of actions. To have Self-Freedom is to be Awakened to the fact, that there are physical and mental confinements, and the freedom will come by understanding the elements of confinement.
A confinement can be anything that has controlled limitations over someone, or something. If we are bound up physically, we can struggle physically to set ourselves free, the same can be said for our mental mind being bound up.
The mental mind cannot be physically bound, but it can be with an idea or a thought that can be stronger than any physical holding. In Self-Awakenment it recognizes five basic categories of mental confinements which are the fundamental basis for controlled limitations which are referred to as confinements.
The third mental condition in Self-Awakenment is our soul that struggles to be free as it is held confined by Thought. The Thought in Self-Awakenment is the mental confinement in which the key to freedom is Regulation.
The freedom is to say “I don’t know” when we don’t have all the facts, or faced with limited ways of proving something, instead of the alternative of making up conclusions for the sake of concluding, and choosing a side with an arguing hypothesis, based on limited information just to feel right. The prologue to this book is the freedom to say “I don’t know” and that the following information is my opinionated interpretation based on observing how nature handles many of our life situations, as nature has seen it all, done it all, and has a proven unbiased process for it all without any influences.
The natural elements are categorized as five debatable viewpoints, which there is no claim that this should be your viewpoint too, but rather the inspiration to begin your own journey of the truth, and to live your best life possible. .