Life in the modern world is difficult because our instincts were forged in hunter-gather communities hundreds of thousands of years ago. We adapt to modern life culturally, by acquiring scripts from our parents, teachers, communities, and prestigious people.
Fortunately, American culture is rich, offering decent scripts and opportunities. If we want to make the most of our life, though, we need better scripts.
We need to modify those given to us and adopt the perspectives and practices that empower individuals, families, and groups . .
. create great schools, businesses, and governments .
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and elevate everyone's life. Readers of Flourish will learn about the evolution of the universe, life, and culture .
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their instinctual nature, culturally acquired operating system, and some empowering values. They will learn how to gain mastery over their emotions .
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identify their purpose . .
. form desirable habits and break undesirable ones .
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reframe their thoughts, elevate their self-talk, and develop executive function . .
. increase their upside and limit their downside .
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eat well, be healthy, and become financially independent. They will learn how to affiliate, be a team player, lead people, and continuously improve.
They will learn about pairing up, marriage, and parenting . .
. intergenerational knowledge, scholarship, and creating excellent schools .
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the miracles of free enterprise and markets, effective corporate governance, and enterprise competitiveness . .
. how our government works and could work .
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a just rule of law, financial strength, and a superior social safety net . .
. mitigating the shortcomings of democracy .
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and living nobly and peacefully in the world. They will also acquire a better idea of what their children and grandchildren need to learn.
The author, Mark W. Bitz is a successful entrepreneur, author, and community leader.
He is a graduate of Purdue, Cornell, and Harvard Universities, and a lifelong student of science, history, culture, government, economics, business, investing, and leadership. Professor Bitz is well-read and educated, entrepreneurial, close to nature, thoughtful and practical.
He has traveled to all 50 states, over 50 countries and 200 cities. The course tracks the first half of his fourth book Flourish: Practices that Elevate Everyone's Life.
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