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Marc Opresnik (Author)
Dr. Marc Oliver Opresnik studied business economics from 1989 to 1996 at the University of Hamburg specializing in Marketing, Human Resource Management and Business English. In 1998 he completed his Ph.D. on ”Corporate Culture in the USA and Germany“.He started as a corporate trainee in 1998 in the retail business at the DEA Mineraloel AG carrying out a number of roles in various departments. Then in 1999, he worked as a sales manager and then operations account manager in the sales force. After two years of experience as a senior marketing manager for the food business from 2000 until 2002, Dr. Opresnik worked as a business development manager in the joint venture company ”Shell & DEA Oil GmbH“. From 1st July 2003 until 31st October 2005 Dr. Opresnik worked as a Property Consultant on the development of the retail network, which required site-specific profitability analysis and business case development. From 2005 until 2006, Dr. Opresnik was based in London and worked in the Global Strategy & Portfolio team for Shell International Petroleum Co Ltd. This role involved coordinating and planning global strategies for rollout to over 45,000 sites in 130+ countries. In parallel Dr. Opresnik had to ensure the motivation, coordination and leadership of over 100.000 employees being affected by the implementation of appropriate projects.Since January 2008, Dr. Opresnik has been a professor of Business Economics, in particular Marketing and Management at the Luebeck University of Applied Sciences and a visiting professor to other international universities such as the East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) in Shanghai and the European Business School in London.Dr. Opresnik is the author of numerous articles and management books, including the internationally acclaimed marketing principles text "Marketing - A Relationship Perspective". Along with Kevin Keller and Phil Kotler, the world’s most renowned marketing professor, he is co-author of the German edition of "Marketing Management", the "Bible of Marketing". Dr. Opresnik also is the co-author with Phil Kotler and Gary Armstrong of the Global Edition of “Marketing: An Introduction”, which is one of the world’s most widely used marketing text books. In addition, he is co-editor and member of the editorial board of several international journals such as “Transnational Marketing”, „Journal of World Marketing Summit Group“ and „International Journal of New Technologies in Science and Engineering“.Since January 2013 Dr. Opresnik has been a Professor of Marketing and a member of the Board of Directors at SGMI Management Institute St. Gallen, a leading international business school. With effect from March 2014, he was appointed “Chief Research Officer” at "Kotler Impact Inc.", the internationally operating company of Phil Kotler. In addition, he is “Chief Executive Officer” of the Kotler Business Programme and Kotler Business Schools and as such responsible for their global development.As president of his consulting firm “Opresnik Management Consulting” he works for numerous institutions, governments and international corporations including Google, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Dräger, RWE, SAP, Porsche, Audi, VW, Shell International Petroleum Co Ltd., Procter & Gamble, Unilever, L’Oréal, Bayer, BASF and adidas. More than 40 million people have benefited professionally and personally from his impulses and experienced him as a coach in seminars on marketing, sales and negotiation and as a speaker at conferences all over the world including locations such as St. Gallen, Davos, St. Moritz, Berlin, Houston, Moscow, London, Paris, Dubai and Tokyo.With his many years of international experience as a coach, keynote speaker and consultant, Marc Opresnik is one of the world’s most renowned marketing, management and negotiation experts.You may contact Dr. Opresnik writing to: opresnik@fh-luebeck.deThe author also has a YouTube channel with lecturing material: regards and thanks for your attention,Prof. Dr. Marc OpresnikRead more about this authorRead less about this author
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